Community Services

Technology TodayThese free computer labs offer Internet surfing, printing, educational programming and individual assistance. Each lab has a schedule of operation and is supervised by resident volunteers and the program coordinator. These centers are located at Carroll Terrace, Lee Terrace, Lippert Terrace, Orchard Manor, South Park Village and Washington Manor. All CKHA clients are welcome.  This program is made possible through a partnership with West Virginia State University Extension.

Hope Valley Dream Center After-School ProgramSouth Park Village in Kanawha City features an after-school program for the many children that live at this location. The program assists K-6 students with homework and plans special activities throughout the year. Hope Valley Church is the sponsor of this program.

Family Self-Sufficiency – CKHA offers a Family Self-Sufficiency Program (FSS) for public housing residents. The FSS Coordinator is available to assist residents and connect them to services relating to job traininig, education, homeownership, personal counseling, credit counseling and more.

Family ServiceThe CKHA Family Service Coordinator directs clients to appropriate community resources and organizations. Some of the areas of assistance include: job related activities, transportation issues, college preparation and scholarship assistance, counseling, community pride/beautification projects and many other areas based upon the needs of individual clients. The Family Service Coordinator serves: Littlepage Terrace, Orchard Manor, South Park Village and Washington Manor.

Senior Services CoordinatorThe CKHA Senior Service Coordinator directs elderly and disabled residents to appropriate community resources and organizations. The primary goal is to assist the residents to be able to live independently as long as possible. Some of the areas of assistance include: health care screenings, assistance with applyling for extra help with paying Medicare premiums, food stamp applications and reviews, help in the home for those who qualify, education with life issues such as fraud prevention, budgeting, health issues, mental health issues and community pride/beautification projects. The Senior Service Coordinator primarily serves our high-rise communities which consists of: Carroll Terrace, Jarrett Terrace, Lee Terrace and Lippert Terrace..

Safety & Security - Charleston-Kanawha Housing employs a full-time Safety & Security Officer to coordinate all police/focus patrol activities in Charleston-Kanawha Housing developments. The Security Officer also provides trainings for the residents and oversees/monitors the security cameras and equipment located in each development.

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